D(0) = D(1) = 0
D(prime) = 1
D(ab) = D(a)*b + D(b)*a
D(7) = 1 because 7 is prime.
D(30) = D(5*6) = D(5)*6 + 5*D(6) = 1*6 + 5*D(2*3)
= 6 + 5*[D(2)*3+2*D(3)] = 6 + 5*5 = 31, so ...
D(30) = 31
D(58) = 31 (More than one integer can have the same Arithmetic Derivative.)
(1). Find n and D(n) (n up to 5 digits) such that D(n) is the largest.
(2). Find n and D(n) (n up to 5 digits and not prime) such that the ratio D(n)/n is the largest.
(3). Which 4-digit Palindrome is the Arithmetic Derivative of the most 4-digit positive integers, and list them.
(4). For what set of n is n = D(n)