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Spellements 2 (Posted on 2022-07-15) Difficulty: 3 of 5
There are currently 118 elements in the Periodic Table, each Symbol consisting of one or two letters.

Some words can be constructed from the set of these Symbols and some cannot.
For example "calculus" has two "elemental representations":
C Al C U Lu S
C Al Cu Lu S
Moreover we will add one point to a word's "score" for every letter in the word which can appear as the first letter of a two-letter symbol and also as the second letter of a two-letter symbol in different valid elemental representations of the same word.
The word "calculus" scores zero points because the only difference between its two reprentations is C U vs Cu.

On the other hand, "snow" can be:
Sn O W
S No W
Since the letter "n" appears both in Sn and No, "snow" gets one point.

Your challenge: If k is the maximum score of the set of all words in the English language, try to find an example word for each score from 1 to k.

No Solution Yet Submitted by Larry    
Rating: 4.0000 (1 votes)

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  Subject Author Date
Essay代写meeloun education2024-05-21 01:32:54
re: Another tryLarry2022-07-18 14:45:51
SolutionAnother tryCharlie2022-07-17 17:14:23
re(6): Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Larry2022-07-17 11:32:20
Questionre(5): Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Charlie2022-07-17 09:59:14
re(4): Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Larry2022-07-17 09:01:09
Questionre(3): Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Charlie2022-07-17 06:40:14
re(2): Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Larry2022-07-17 00:18:54
Questionre: Not the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Charlie2022-07-16 17:32:33
Hints/TipsNot the scoring method I had in mind, but ...Larry2022-07-16 09:21:42
the start of the remainder of the listCharlie2022-07-15 11:23:25
SolutionThe start of the listCharlie2022-07-15 11:21:28
computer methodCharlie2022-07-15 11:17:34
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