Replace each of the numbers and the symbols(#, $, * and @) by a different letter of the English alphabet, and decode each of the following.
(Punctuation marks like commas, apostrophes, question marks, exclamation marks, hyphens and periods remain unaltered in the ciphertext.)
(i) 0123 456 0163 7410 for 59 245.
(ii) 9 876543 64 4553 62 9 876543 643553.
(iii) It is well known that 123 45613869 43002862 36# 136686.
(iv) 543342 10, 5633 45 7300, 89#79#7 10$$93*.
(v) 987654 53375 466 8943 46 4210, #*94 46 $6 if I'm 46 83910?
(vi) 543210 316 3467186 @1#$ 4# 589$ 32434917*.
Note: The codes may differ for any two given phrases.