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Identifiable Identities (Posted on 2012-03-31) Difficulty: 3 of 5
The following are identities involving spelled out numbers, each of which is encrypted in terms of a simple substitution cipher. Each of these numbers is less than one hundred.

For example, when decrypted: one + two = three and, (two)*(three) - one = five are valid identities. However, words like double, triple, unit, unity, dozen are not allowed.

Decrypt the following to formulate each of these identities:
  1. (yes)*(with) = (early)*(wave)
  2. (ore)* (ratio) = (per)*(ration)
  3. (faced)*(ego) = (most)*(elated)
  4. paper – end = (table)*(cam)
  5. (cock)*(for) - this = total
  6. (fever)*(fly) – not = sting
  7. (for)*(some) = new + stand

No Solution Yet Submitted by K Sengupta    
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  Subject Author Date
re: Sorry I forgot to tell you.Ady TZIDON2012-04-01 13:30:09
Sorry I forgot to tell you.Jer2012-03-31 17:25:20
Solution(crush)/(loads) = blur + coilDej Mar2012-03-31 13:42:01
re(2): ez - except #7???K Sengupta2012-03-31 12:27:32
re: ez - except #7???Ady TZIDON2012-03-31 12:07:23
Solutionez - spoilerAdy TZIDON2012-03-31 11:40:07
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