+----+----+----+ | A | B | C | +----+----+----+ | D | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | E | F | G | | H | I | J | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | K | | |/// | L | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | M | | N | O | P | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Q | | | +----+----+----+ | R | | | +----+----+----+
- The answer to each of the clues in this crossnumber puzzle is a prime number.
- The clue for each number is the product of its digits.
- Each square is occupied by a single digit.
A 12 A 36 D 63 B 189 E 36 C 21 G 189 E 36 H 98 F 270 K 10 G 3 L 252 H 84 M 81 I 14 N 27 J 441 O 27 N 8 P 21 O 162 Q 48 P 63 R 63