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Circles & Parabola (Posted on 2013-07-13) |
Two circles with equal radii are externally tangent
at a point on the parabola y = x2. One of the circles
is also tangent to the x-axis while the other is also
tangent to the y-axis. Find the radius of both circles.
Comment 5 of 5 |
Let the point of contact be T, (t, t2), and radii r.
Pythagoras gives: r2 = (t2 r)2 + (t r)2 (1)
Gradient of normal at T gives: 1/(2t) =(t2 r)/(t r) (2)
(2) implies: r = t(2t2 1)/(2t 1) (3)
which, when substituted into (1) gives 8t2 9t + 2 = 0 (eventually!):
Thus: t = (9 +/- sqrt 17)/16 and, from (3), (eventually!): r = 3(23 -/+ sqrt 17)/128
One root seems to agree with Charlies numerical results, giving:
r = 3(23 - sqrt 17)/128 ~ 0.442427 T = ((9 + sqrt 17)/16, (49 + 9 sqrt 17)/128) ~ (0.820194, 0.672718) Upper circle: centre at (0.442427, 0.90301) and touching the y axis Lower circle: centre at (1.19796, 0.442427) and touching the x axis
and the other root also gives a valid solution:
r = 3(23 + sqrt 17)/128 ~ 0.635698 T = ((9 sqrt 17)/16, (49 - 9 sqrt 17)/128) ~ (0.304806, 0.0929066) Upper circle: centre at (-0.026086, 0.635698) and touching the x axis Lower circle: centre at (0.635698, -0.449885) and touching the y axis
Posted by Harry
on 2013-07-14 06:43:52 |
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