There are some single-word anagrams that placed together create a short meaningful phrase:
• Roman manor
• Demo mode
• Steno notes
• Oriental relation
• Outer route
Main task:
a) Please try submit some samples of similarly structured couplets – either created by you (prefered) or found by you (still acceptable.)
To avoid ambiguity as to the interpretation of "meaningful" please apply the following rule: "When in doubt, - don't!"
"Three-there" and "ton-not" clearly do not qualify.
Bonus tasks:
b) What is the longest word in English that can be anagrammed into another valid word?
c) What is the set of letters providing the highest number of anagrams?
Not accepted:
Obscure scientific terms.
Little mixing of letters (like "conversation, conservation").
Esoteric/archaic words, not found on the web.