How noble in reason,
How infinite in faculties, in form and moving
How express and admirable in action
How like an angel in apprehension
How like a god!
The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals—and yet to me,
What is this quintessence of dust?
Man delights not me — nor woman neither,
Though by your smiling you seem to say so.
How many sequential appearances of the letters t-e-s-t are there on this page between <BEGIN> and the 2nd appearance of <END>?
Watch out - all counts.
To avoid ambiguity- scan sequentially from left to right and in the sentence "THIS TEST GETS TROUBLE" you should reach a count of 9: 4 starting with the 1st letter of the sample sentence, similar 4 starting with the fifth plus another one beginning with the eighth letter (the last letter in the word "TEST").