What is the next number in this sequence?
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, pi
The sequence is not arbitrary. Create a mathematical function that generates this sequence.
(In reply to
Word problem??? by fwaff)
It will be apparent in terms of the provisions governing this website that "Word Problems" constitute a sub category under the main "General" category.
In the recent past, there have been instances whereby problems which combined the respective attributes of two or more categories, in conformity with the provisions of the website, were placed in the "General" category, since no other valid category existed (and still does not) to place them. An appropriate example would be my "Arrrange The Disks" problem:
(ref: http://perplexus.info/show.php?pid=4736)
which was published in the "General" category for obvious reasons.
In my opinion, since this problem asked for deriving the missing terms together with a mathematical derivation of the formula governing the terms, the author concluded that this could neither correspond to "Just Math/Numbers" nor to "Sequences" category.
Consequently, it must have been the intention of the author to submit the problem in the "General" category, and the problem must have been submitted in "Word Problems" category by an inadvertent mistake.
Since, I earned my voting rights in the queue as Journeyman only on December 29, 2005 there was absolutely no avenue whereby I could have pointed out the foregoing anomaly during the voting process.
Edited on April 1, 2008, 5:34 am