5 dim Hist(50,3)
10 for T=6 to 1000000
20 for A=1 to T-5
30 for B=1 to T-A-4
40 for C=1 to T-A-B-3
50 for D=1 to T-A-B-C-2
60 for E=1 to T-A-B-C-D-1
70 F=T-A-B-C-D-E
80 X=A//B:Y=C//D:Z=E//F
90 V=X+1//(Y*Z)
100 if V=int(V) then
110 :V=Y+1//(X*Z)
120 :if V=int(V) then
130 :V=Z+1//(X*Y)
140 :if V=int(V) then
150 :if X<Y then Hold=X:X=Y:Y=Hold:endif
151 :if Y<Z then Hold=Y:Y=Z:Z=Hold:endif
152 :if X<Y then Hold=X:X=Y:Y=Hold:endif
160 :Good=1
165 :for I=1 to SCt
170 :if X=Hist(I,1) and Y=Hist(I,2) and Z=Hist(I,3) then Good=0:cancel for:goto 180:endif
175 :next
180 :if Good then
190 :inc SCt
195 :Hist(SCt,1)=X
196 :Hist(SCt,2)=Y
197 :Hist(SCt,3)=Z
198 :print X;Y;Z,A;B;C;D;E;F
200 next
210 next
220 next
230 next
240 next
250 next
With the total of the numerators and denominators having gone to 71, only 3 sets have been found:
(1,1,1); (2,1,1/2) and (4,1/2,1/2)
1 + 1/(1*1) = 2
2+1/(1/2) = 4
1+1/1 = 2
1/2 + 1/2 = 1
4+1/(1/4) = 8
1/2 + 1/2 = 1
Edited on March 6, 2009, 1:00 pm
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-03-06 13:00:00 |