Using the relationship [A=1, B=2,..... Z=26] provide a word for each tier of the triangle such that:
1. The letter sum per tier is the largest square possible.
2. The letter sum per tier is the smallest square possible.
While being squares neither SEA = 25 nor OAT = 36 are appropriate for tier three in either of the tasks #1 or #2 above.
Are you able to extend either triangle beyond 6 tiers?
{ 25} Y
{ 36} OU
{ 64} OXY, STY
{ 81) PUTZ, WYMS
{121) TRYSTS
{ 1} A
{ 9} AH, DE, ED, HA
{ 4} ABA, BAA
{ 16} ABACI
{ 25} BEHEAD
A : (n.) something resembling the letter A in shape; (indef. article) the same; any (prep.) in every; to each; per; (v.) [Regional] have
ABA : (n.) a fabric woven from goat and camel hair; a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth
ABACI : (n.) plural of abacus - a calculator that performs arithmeticic functions by sliding counters on rods or in grooves
AH : (interj.) an expression of relief, relaxation, comfort, confusion, understanding, wonder, awe, et al., depending on inflnflection
BAA : (n.) the cry made by a sheep; (v.) cry plaintively
BEHEAD : (v.) to cut off someone's head
CAGE : (n.) an enclosure made of metal wires or bars; (v.) to confine in a cage
DE : (verb) [Northumbrian] to do
DEAF : (adj.) unable to hear or to hear poorly; (n.) people who are hearing impaired
ED : (noun) education
FADE : (v.) disappear gradually; beome less visible; (n.) gradually ceasing to be visible
HA : (interj.) an exclamation of triumph or discovery
OU : (n.) [South African English, slang]) a man
OXY : (adj.) containing oxygen or additional oxygen
PURTY : (adj.) [Regional variant] pretty
PUTZ : (n.) [slang] a fool; an idiot
STY : (n.) a pen for swine; (noun) an eye infection
TRYSTS : (n.) plural of tryst - a secret rendevous
WYNS : (n.) plural variant - an Old English and Middle English runic letter
Y : (n.) something shaped like the letter Y
ZITTY : (adj.) having or tending to have pimples
Edited on August 1, 2012, 9:11 pm
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2012-08-01 16:51:35 |