Using the relationship [A=1, B=2,..... Z=26] provide a word for each tier of the triangle such that:
1. The letter sum per tier is the largest square possible.
2. The letter sum per tier is the smallest square possible.
While being squares neither SEA = 25 nor OAT = 36 are appropriate for tier three in either of the tasks #1 or #2 above.
Are you able to extend either triangle beyond 6 tiers?
(In reply to
computer solutions by Charlie)
Taxonomy of Wordplay is a site with various word trivia, including a list of shortest and longest words with smallest and largest "letter sum" values (though not for the specific nature of square values). From the 'smallest value' list is a word that has a smaller square value than in Charlie's list and from the 'largest value' list is a word that has a larger square value than in Charlie's list. Both probably due to these words being identified as uncommon.
Word Word in Word Word in Word
Length Charlie's List Value Squ ToW Value Squ
14 cleanabilities 121 11 hamamelidaceae 81 9 (-2)
5 nutty 100 10 wuzzy 121 11 (+1)**
**(I, myself, had also previously listed the uncommon 5-letter words with word value 100, purty and zitty, for the 5th tier. For the same tier, wuzzy has a greater square value.)
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2012-09-08 13:54:53 |