(In reply to
More solutions by Dej Mar)
Whatever you added is interesting and welcome, but way out of
the scope of the basic arithmetic operations. explicitly spelled out in the puzzle.
Whenever any constraint is lifted or any new operator allowed,
new solutions will pop up.
Assuming 2 pairs of brackets are admissible -
then (2-3*4)*(5-6) would qualify.
Assuming 2 pairs of brackets and 5 arith. operators-
then (2*3+4)*(-5+6) fits the requirements.
I remember the FIVE FIVES PUZZLE, where by expanding the list of allowable operations we've ended up with over 1000 entries.
Still the main point demonstrated by this "easy" problem is that the most obvious and the most elegant straightforward solution is not necessarily the first one that you find.
Edited on January 6, 2013, 10:32 am