Let's compile a ist of all geographic/geopolitical entities whose names contain at least 3 letters A and no other vowels.
Include states (like Alabama), rivers (Angara), mountains (Ararat), cities (Larnaca) etc.
Your entries must appear in reliable dictionary/atlas/database.
This time I chose to parse Wikipedia's editing markup version of its table:
Open "mountain markup.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, l$
If Left(l, 2) = "|-" Then
Input #1, l$: ' Text1.Text = Text1.Text & l & crlf
Input #1, l$: l = LTrim(RTrim(l))
i = 1
While i <= Len(l)
c$ = Mid(l, i, 1)
If c = "[" Or c = "]" Then
l = Left(l, i - 1) + Mid(l, i + 1)
ElseIf c = "|" Then
Mid(l, i, 1) = "/"
i = i + 1
End If
ix = InStr(l, "<br>")
If ix > 0 Then l = Left(l, ix - 1) + Mid(l, ix + 4)
Loop Until ix = 0
good = 0
l2$ = Mid(l, 2)
If InStr(l, "Nangpai") > 0 Then
xx = xx
End If
ix = InStr(l2, "/")
If ix = 0 Then ix = Len(l2) + 1
n$ = LTrim(RTrim(Left(l2, ix - 1)))
l2 = Mid(l2, ix + 1)
subgood = 1
For i = 1 To Len(n)
If InStr("EIOUeiou", Mid(n, i, 1)) > 0 Then subgood = 0: Exit For
If subgood = 1 Then good = 1: Exit Do
Loop Until l2 = ""
If Left(l, 1) = "!" Then good = 0
If good Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & l & crlf
End If
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close 1
The raw output was:
/Mount Everest /Sagarmatha /Chomolungma
/K2 / Chhogori / Godwin Austen Peak/Godwin Austen
/Nanga Parbat
/Gasherbrum I / Hidden Peak / K5
/Gasherbrum II / K4
/Gasherbrum III / K3a
/Gasherbrum IV / K3
/Masherbrum / K1
/Namcha Barwa
/Saltoro Kangri / K10
/Saser Kangri I / K22
/Jengish Chokusu / Tömür / Pk Pobeda
/K12 (mountain)/K12
/Yangra / <br / >Ganesh I
/K6 (mountain)/K6 / Baltistan Peak
/Kangpenqing / <br / >Gang Benchhen
Clearly there were a couple of bad markups, as well as vowels with diereses not being recognized as vowels other than A. Also some are included for having a Kn name, the most famous being K2.
Mount Everest is included for its local name of Sagarmatha.
A cleaned up list (note Yangra is still here; its bad markup is a red herring):
/Mount Everest /Sagarmatha /Chomolungma
/K2 / Chhogori / Godwin Austen Peak/Godwin Austen
/Nanga Parbat
/Gasherbrum I / Hidden Peak / K5
/Gasherbrum II / K4
/Gasherbrum III / K3a
/Gasherbrum IV / K3
/Masherbrum / K1
/Namcha Barwa
/Saltoro Kangri / K10
/Saser Kangri I / K22
/K12 (mountain)/K12
/Yangra / Ganesh I
/K6 (mountain)/K6 / Baltistan Peak
Posted by Charlie
on 2019-04-18 14:00:35 |