This is in continuation of
Bugs and Cubs.
Twelve prehistoric creatures have been encoded according to the following rule:
u = a e i o u
b = b d f h k l t
c = c m n r s v w
g = g j p q y
So, for example cuccubb would represent mammoth, and bubucbuc would represent kelenken.
Can you solve these?
- bcucucubugc
- cugubugcugbuc
- ubbucuucuc
- cubucucugbuc
- bugbubucuc
- cubugubu
- gbucucubuc
- bgcuccucuucuc
- cbugucuucuc
- cucubucuucuc
- cugububuc
- ccububuc
(In reply to
soln by Steven Lord)
I lost the link to the website from which those 14 dinosaur names were taken.
Yes, you are right.
Wikipedia does not contain "megaloraptor", for that matter, neither does any wildlife related encyclopedia.
So, #2 is erroneous.
In hindsight, I should have rechecked all the names with Wikipedia/ Wildlife related encyclopedias.
Congratulations on getting all the valid 11 dinosaur names correctly!!
Edited on October 8, 2022, 8:02 am