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Remainder of One (Posted on 2004-12-29) Difficulty: 4 of 5
Let p be a prime. Let S be a set of (p-1) integers, none of which are divisible by p. Show that some subset of S has a sum that has a remainder of 1 when divided by p.

(The sum of a set is defined as the sum of the elements of the set)

  Submitted by David Shin    
Rating: 3.8750 (8 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
Let S={a1,a2,...,ap-1}, and define a function f(A)=SUM(a | a in A) (mod p). Also, for 1<=k<=p-1, define Sk to be {a1,...,ak}.

Claim: For any k<p, at least k+1 distinct values occur as sums of subsets of Sk (mod p).

Note that the desired result would follow from the case k=p-1. It thus suffices to prove the claim.

Proof: When k=1, the claim is clear, as 0 and a1 are two distinct values that occur as sums of subsets of S1 (mod p) (namely, the empty set and S1, respectively).

We proceed by induction. Suppose the claim is true for some k<p-1. Then, there exist subsets T0,...,Tk of Sk with distinct sums (mod p) of t0,...,tk, respectively.

Consider the subsets T'0,...,T'k defined by the following relation:
    T'i=Ti U {ak+1}
It follows from the inductive hypothesis that the values f(T'0),f(T'1),...,f(T'k) are distinct, since t'i=ti+ak+1 and t'j=tj+ak+1 are distinct whenever ti and tj are. It suffices to show that at least one of those values are distinct from the values t0,...,tk. For if t'i is distinct from t0,...,tk, then t0,...,tk, t'i, represent k+2 distinct values that occur as sums of subsets of Sk+1 (mod p).

Suppose the contrary. Then, {t0, t1,..., tk} represents a permutation of {t'0, t'1,..., t'k}. Adding, we have

t0+t1+...+tk = t'0+t'1+...+t'k (mod p)
                   = (t0+ak+1)+(t1+ak+1)+...+(tk+ak+1) (mod p)
                   =(t0+t1+...+tk)+(k+1)ak+1 (mod p)


(k+1)ak+1=0 (mod p)

Now, since k<p-1, we have that (k+1) is not divisible by p, implying that ak+1=0 (mod p), a contradiction. This completes the proof.

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  Subject Author Date
Erdos TheorumMichael2005-04-04 13:40:30
Some ThoughtsSome Ideasowl2005-01-31 05:56:11
re(4): Yet another Erdos theoremDavid Shin2005-01-26 04:48:51
re(3): Yet another Erdos theoremRichard2005-01-26 00:04:28
re(2): Yet another Erdos theoremDavid Shin2005-01-25 21:33:38
re: Yet another Erdos theoremRichard2005-01-25 20:58:35
re: p <= 5 and moreken2005-01-02 00:26:14
p <= 5 and moreRichard2004-12-31 18:10:49
re: Yet another Erdos theoremRichard2004-12-30 17:37:58
SolutionYet another Erdos theoreme.g.2004-12-30 13:36:32
re(2): answer?Bruce Brantley2004-12-29 22:53:24
re: answer?David Shin2004-12-29 21:35:15
answer?Solomon2004-12-29 20:40:21
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