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Sequence E.T. cetera (Posted on 2005-04-05) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Call me a "simple Simon", but I think this one hurts. Find the next 4 digit number in the sequence, and explain.

2084 1816 1979 1816 2106 2329 1943 2247 2106 2084 2106 2188 2329 2061 2329 2084 1943 2084 2188 1979 2247 1943 2247 1979 2084 2084 2188 2084 1943 2061 2329 2106

  Submitted by Larry    
Rating: 3.3333 (6 votes)
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First, here is the corrected problem:
see Charlies post
Sequence E.T. cetera
Call me a "simple Simon", but I think this one hurts. Find the next 4 digit number in the sequence, and explain.

2174 1906 1979 1906 2106 2329 2033 2247 2106 2174 2106 2188 2329 2061 2329 2174 2033 2174 2188 1979 2247 2033 2247 1979 2174 2174 2188 2174 2033 2061 2329 2106

Some rather obscure knowledge about telephones was needed to solve this one, though I did leave five clues:
"Sequence" in the title (codes for a sequence of numbers rather than letters)
"E.T." as in "E.T. phone home" (intentionally misspelling et cetera),
"Call me",
"simple Simon (as in "met a pie man"), and
"hurts" as in "hertz".

The telephone keypad generates 2 frequencies each time a key is pushed. I took the two frequencies for each number and added them together. The numbers in the sequence translate to the digits of pi, the next one being "0", or 2277.

Here is the frequency table showing the high and low tones made by the telephone keypad.
____ 1209 1336 1477
697 1 2 3
770 4 5 6
852 7 8 9
941 * 0 #
Movie trivia, phone phreaking information, and math knowledge.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
Hints/TipsCorrected problem restatedLarry2005-04-06 22:33:53
re(2): Tracking thisLarry2005-04-06 22:20:50
re: Hintarmando2005-04-06 16:52:19
re(2): Tracking thispcbouhid2005-04-06 16:45:33
re(2): Tracking thisHugo2005-04-06 16:29:59
Solutionre: Tracking thisCharlie2005-04-06 13:45:45
Some ThoughtsTracking thisCharlie2005-04-06 13:20:39
re: Hintpcbouhid2005-04-06 13:05:29
Hints/TipsHintLarry2005-04-06 04:14:17
Some ThoughtsWhat I have noticedDustin2005-04-06 01:54:46
So completely confused.Philip2005-04-06 01:34:54
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