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Sports Starters (Posted on 2005-04-11) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Many us us have seen the problems which start you out with a number and a sentence with a few words missing, and you have to figure out how the number fits into the sentence. For example, 8 = S on a S S could be answered 8 sides on a stop sign.

Can you figure out all these sports related starter problems? (One disclaimer, anything I've seen on TSN or ESPN counts as a "sport")

5 = S on a H T
5 = P in a F of F P B
5 = C in a P H
5 = S in a M's T M
5 = C R on the O L
5 = P N of the T B
5 = M for a M P in H
5 = L C S of W S C (Y, 1950-)
5 = C of the O S on a P T

  Submitted by Cory Taylor    
Rating: 3.8333 (6 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
skaters on a hockey team
pins in a frame of 5 pin bowling
cards in a poker hand
sets in a men's tennis match
colored rings on the olympic logo
position number of the third baseman
minutes for a major penalty in hockey
Longest Consecutive Streak of World Series Championships
color (oops, number) of the orange solid on a pool table

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
No SubjectJamesYawn2023-07-14 07:19:50
re: Puzzle thoughtsK Sengupta2023-06-18 22:33:30
No SubjectJamesYawn2023-05-31 15:47:27
Some ThoughtsPuzzle thoughtsK Sengupta2023-02-08 01:45:18
thoughts on the final twoyocko2005-04-20 05:39:38
re(2): #8 solution maybe?Bruce Brantley2005-04-19 21:56:01
re: #8 solution maybe?Cory Taylor2005-04-19 14:46:11
# 9 - hint for "C" ???pcbouhid2005-04-18 21:10:46
#8 solution maybe?yocko2005-04-18 19:23:02
re(3): some (not very helpful) thoughts on #8Cory Taylor2005-04-18 14:45:42
re(2): some (not very helpful) thoughts on #8Cory Taylor2005-04-13 19:34:56
re: some (not very helpful) thoughts on #8Erik O.2005-04-13 19:21:25
some (not very helpful) thoughts on #8yocko2005-04-13 17:52:07
Some ThoughtsLCS = ?Erik O.2005-04-13 16:02:18
my tryRex2005-04-13 15:45:02
re: peekingCory Taylor2005-04-13 14:45:29
Hints/TipspeekingCharlie2005-04-13 13:49:17
re(2): Eighth?Bruce Brantley2005-04-13 11:22:25
re: Eighth?Cory Taylor2005-04-13 09:16:57
Eighth?Bruce Brantley2005-04-13 07:00:12
Some ThoughtsSeventhOld Original Oskar!2005-04-12 23:19:56
re: A thoughtOld Original Oskar!2005-04-12 23:18:25
Some ThoughtsA thoughtDustin2005-04-12 23:02:24
sorry for disturbing...pcbouhid2005-04-12 22:15:29
a possible hint for youpcbouhid2005-04-12 21:55:29
a third answer ?pcbouhid2005-04-12 21:34:42
A second answerHugo2005-04-12 16:49:36
Some ThoughtsNo one has been inspired... (one answer)Charlie2005-04-12 02:55:24
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