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3 cards (Posted on 2002-05-11) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A dealer offers to you to play a game. He shows you three two-sided cards: one with both sides red, one red and black and the other black and black. He puts them in a hat, and randomly (no tricks here) takes out a card and puts it on the table.

You both see only one side of the card. At this point he says that if the bottom side is the same as the top, he will take your money. If the other side is different, you double it. He explains that by now one of the cards is ruled out - if you're seeing red, the card cannot be a double black card, and vise versa - so you have a 50/50 chance of winning.

Is this a fair game? Why or why not?

  Submitted by levik    
Rating: 3.5385 (13 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The dealer is of course trying to trick you. His logic that one of the two possible cards is a winner is flawed. Let's say the card is showing a red face. The dealer would have you believe that it is either a red-black card or a red-red card, and therefore your chance of winning is 50/50.

But in reality, there are three possibilities:

  • it's the red-black card with the red side up
  • it's the red-red card with the first red side up it's the red-red card with the other red side up

    As you can see, only one of these is a winning combination, so your odds of winning are 1/3. Therefore, the payout is not enough to make the game fair.

  • Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
      Subject Author Date
    OddsRandyOrton2004-10-21 15:14:57
    seems simple to meDan Porter2004-01-20 11:07:00
    A-priori probabilityAndy2003-11-20 11:22:59
    I agree with the solutionS2003-10-30 23:24:03
    ideajen2003-10-29 18:11:04
    re: Clarified explanation (solution)Gamer2003-07-14 17:08:00
    No Subjectmolly2003-06-11 17:53:58
    Clarified explanation (solution)Ryan2003-05-07 07:22:41
    no fairMel2002-08-23 03:44:27
    re(3): Simply stated (solution)levik2002-07-16 08:40:34
    Solutionre(2): Simply stated (solution)TomM2002-07-16 00:56:54
    re: Simply stated (solution)levik2002-07-15 18:22:02
    Some ThoughtsSimply stated (solution)Henry2002-07-15 09:58:05
    solution?marty2002-05-22 22:44:06
    blehTom Bayer2002-05-13 21:36:45
    1/3Michael2002-05-12 19:18:31
    The choicesDavid2002-05-12 09:33:08
    Hints/TipsMy thoughtsTomM2002-05-11 07:15:40
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