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A Song for the Season 3 (Posted on 2011-01-11) |
A poet has just finished his holiday shopping, getting gifts for twelve people, numbered one through twelve. He bought two gifts for each person, but forgot which two gifts those were for each person. Which two gifts go with each person 1-12?
Gifts purchased: wool gloves, a silk thing, stripe ring, shades, some furs, gray ring, Muslim ring, myrrh, visa, swords, asleep king, pens, king words, tan sling, wrench, plumbing, bronze, sun wings, day peas, eclair tea, mole, smart pigeon, diapers, doll.
Submitted by Gamer
Rating: 4.6667 (3 votes)
Match up the two gifts so that combination rhymes with a person's numerical day of Christmas in the "Twelve days of Christmas" as follows:
1: smart pigeon, eclair tea = a partridge in a pear tree
2: myrrh, wool gloves = two turtledoves
3: wrench, pens = three French hens
4: doll, king words = four calling birds
5: mole, sun wings = five golden rings
6: visa, gray ring = six geese a-laying
7: bronze, Muslim ring= seven swans a-swimming
8: shades, a silk thing = eight maids a-milking
9: day peas, tan sling = nine ladies dancing
10: swords, asleep king = ten lords a-leaping
11: diapers, stripe ring = eleven pipers piping
12: some furs, plumbing = twelve drummers drumming |
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