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The Midville Muddlers (Posted on 2005-04-15) Difficulty: 4 of 5
In this problem the puzzles each contain a series of statements. However you will find (or will have to find) that one statement is false. It will be necessary for you to find the false one in order to solve the puzzle.

The Midville Muddlers baseball team depends on four players to score most of their runs. The positions of the four are the three outfielders (rightfielder, centerfielder, and leftfielder) and the catcher. From the statements that follow, determine the first name (Henry, Ken, Leo, or Stan), surname (Dodson, Brooks, Clements, or Ashley), position, and batting average of each player. (The averages: .280, .295, .310, .325)

1. Neither Leo nor the catcher has a batting average over .300.

2. Three who are neighbors are Clements, the rightfielder, and the player who bats .325.

3. The centerfielder bats .295.

4. Stan's batting average is 30 points higher than that of Ken, who does not live near any of the other three.

5. Brooks and Henry, who is not Ashley, both bat over .300 and are in competition to see which will score the most runs this season.

6. Henry, who is neither the rightfielder nor the leftfielder, has a lower batting average than the catcher.

Remember one of these is false.

No Solution Yet Submitted by ron    
Rating: 3.5556 (9 votes)

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  Subject Author Date
Puzzle AnswerK Sengupta2023-07-21 01:39:19
No Subjectscott2005-07-05 14:44:34
Solutionsol'njosh2005-06-28 20:14:56
solutionerica2005-06-06 21:57:15
solutionjerry2005-05-28 18:57:58
re: the solutionR Rod2005-05-10 22:59:24
SolutionSteve Ryan2005-04-20 12:21:42
My solutionDavid Venzor2005-04-20 03:26:49
Solutionthe solutionBenji2005-04-19 18:33:46
re(2): the computer (exhaustive) solutionCharlie2005-04-19 16:22:31
SolutionNo Subjecthrehling2005-04-19 15:42:15
Problem sourceBrian Smith2005-04-19 15:08:53
re: the computer (exhaustive) solutionMelissa2005-04-19 14:20:13
What?Melissa2005-04-19 14:17:18
re: solutiongreg2005-04-19 04:17:56
solvinggreg2005-04-19 04:02:13
I just love theseTrish2005-04-18 22:04:46
Solutionre: The false statementOld Original Oskar!2005-04-15 21:46:20
Some ThoughtsThe false statementFederico Kereki2005-04-15 20:26:58
Solutionthe computer (exhaustive) solutionCharlie2005-04-15 20:15:58
solutionlarry2005-04-15 20:00:10
Some Thoughtsre: No Subject (plus half a solution)nikki2005-04-15 19:46:06
No SubjectHannah Caldwell2005-04-15 19:00:38
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