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Deux Digit Determination (Posted on 2014-11-13) |
Find the last two digits in the base ten expansion of :
C(2014, 1) + 22*C(2014, 2) + 32*C(2014, 3) + ......+ 20142*C(2014, 2014)
**** C is the choose function, that is:
C(m,n) = m!/(n!*(m-n)!)
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Comment 4 of 4 |
the binomial expansion:
Sum from r=0 to n of [ C(n,r)xr
] = (1 + x)n
Differentiate wrt x: Sum[ r*C(n,r)xr-1
] = n(1 + x)n-1
Multiply by x: Sum[ r*C(n,r)xr ] = nx(1 + x)n-1
Differentiate wrt x:
Sum[ r2*C(n,r)xr-1]
= nx(n – 1)(1 + x)n-2 + n(1 + x)n-1
Substitute x = 1 and simplify:
Sum[ r2*C(n,r) ] = n(n + 1)*2n-2
Now, using n = 2014 and noticing that the first term in
the sum is zero (since r=0), we get
Sum, r=1 to 2014, [ r2*C(2014,r)
] = 2014*2015*22012
with final digits 60, as Jer suggested.
Posted by Harry
on 2014-11-16 17:22:22 |
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