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Home > General > Cryptography
Are we odd for liking this, too? (Posted on 2005-08-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5
In "Are we odd for liking this?" we were asked to decipher an encrypted message. Can you decipher this message too?


  Submitted by Erik O.    
Rating: 3.3333 (3 votes)
Solution: (Hide)
The link back to Are we odd for liking this? was a red herring. If you try to solve this encryption in the same way you get a message that says:

     XX  XXX    X  X  X XX
     X   XX X  X X XX XXX
     X   XXX   X X X XXX  XX
     X X XX X  X X X  XX   X
      X X X X   X       XXX
You may have to squint your eyes to see the message "WRONG". The real encryption uses modular arithmetic. If you sum the digits in each column and use MOD 26 you end up with:

0 0 13 15 4 21 12 1 18 0 1 18 9 20 8 13 5 20 9 3 0 0 0

Using a simple alphabetic substitution where A=1, B=2, ..., the message reads:


Of course the letter "Z" could not be represented using MOD 26 unless we started with A=0, but since we never needed the letter Z it's a moot point.

Comments: ( You must be logged in to post comments.)
  Subject Author Date
SolutionPuzzle SolutionK Sengupta2008-04-03 13:27:47
answerK Sengupta2008-02-26 12:06:58
re(3): Another Hint or the solutionGamer2007-01-21 21:32:19
re(2): Another Hint or the solutionTristan2006-02-07 20:35:24
re: Another Hint or the solutionMindrod2006-02-06 21:36:06
possible solution (spoiler ?)Mindy Rodriguez2005-10-29 20:35:44
on the way to a solutionMindy Rodriguez2005-10-29 20:25:58
It seems so close...Tristan2005-09-15 22:27:59
re: Another HintBob Smith2005-09-15 15:21:37
Another HintErik O.2005-09-13 22:26:46
re: Itīs problem with my eyes?Erik O.2005-09-13 22:21:10
re: You didnīt answer me...Tristan2005-09-08 00:37:15
You didnīt answer me...pcbouhid2005-09-07 17:18:17
Questionre: hintJer2005-09-07 15:10:32
hintErik O.2005-09-06 17:02:00
Some ThoughtsOrthogonalityBob Smith2005-08-31 20:23:20
Well...Avin2005-08-30 17:52:13
Some ThoughtsItīs problem with my eyes?pcbouhid2005-08-30 17:08:50
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